Who Is the HCG Diet Best Suited For?

Picture of a measuring tape and a bathroom scale.Have you been struggling to reach your weight loss goals? Maybe it seems that no matter how hard you try to eat right and exercise, your weight always remains the same. Or perhaps you’ve achieved some degree of weight loss, but the pounds are coming off so slowly that you doubt you’ll ever get down to your target weight. Slow weight loss (or worse, no weight loss at all) can be incredibly discouraging and make it tempting to give up on your weight loss journey altogether.

If any of this sounds familiar, you might be a candidate for the HCG diet, a revolutionary plan that involves following a strict low-calorie diet and undergoing human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) injections that help minimize the unpleasant side effects often caused by a reduction in calorie intake. As with any diet, it’s important to consult with a physician before starting the HCG diet to confirm that it’s appropriate for your condition. But with that being said, the HCG diet is well suited for most adults, and it’s often a great option for individuals who are looking to lose a significant amount of weight in a relatively short amount of time.

What if You’re a Man?

Because HCG is excreted from a woman’s placenta during pregnancy, many people assume that it won’t work in men or even that it could be dangerous for men to consume. That is not true. Not only are HCG shots safe for men, but many men experience dramatic weight loss when they combine HCG injections with the accompanying diet. In fact, over the course of six weeks, men often lose approximately 30 to 40 pounds, compared to the 20 to 30 pounds that women typically lose.

Plus, weight loss isn’t the only benefit that HCG offers for men. Because HCG mimics luteinizing hormone (which stimulates testosterone production within a man’s testicles), HCG injections can also be used to boost men’s testosterone levels.

What if You’ve Already Completed a Round of Injections?

People also tend to assume that the HCG diet is a “one and done” process. That’s also untrue. Many individuals undergo multiple rounds of HCG shots in order to continue losing weight. However, if you’ve already completed your first round of injections, it’s important to take a six-week break before beginning your second round. That break time should increase by two weeks after each additional round (for example, an eight-week break between the second and third rounds, a 10-week break between third and fourth rounds, and so on).

Your Source for Industry-Leading HCG Injections

If the HCG diet sounds like the right choice for your needs, the next step will be figuring out where to purchase HCG shots. Not all suppliers are alike, and you need to be able to trust that you’re receiving quality products from a reputable company.

Luckily, you can rely on Pharmacy Rx Solutions to supply you with the injections needed for the HCG diet. We’re a respected hormone replacement therapy provider, and we proudly serve customers from across the United States. You can rest easy knowing that—as with all of our prescriptions—our HCG shots meet USDA guidelines and are dispensed by a licensed compounding pharmacy and tested by a third party for potency, pyrogens, and sterility.

To learn more about Pharmacy Rx Solutions and the HCG injections we can supply to you, contact us today.