Try an MIC Shot Regimen to Help You Lose Weight

MIC ShotWhen you purchase and use an MIC shot package from Pharmacy Rx Solutions and begin to transform your current lifestyle into a healthier one, you may finally lose those unwanted pounds. If you’re like most people, you’ve tried many different fad and gimmick diets that have left you hungry, tired, and frustrated. But, with our specially blended, injectable weight loss formula helping you along, you could reach your weight loss goals once and for all, while maintaining high levels of energy.

What’s in Our Lipo-MIC Injections

Our unique MIC shot formula blends energy-boosting B-complex vitamins along with lipotropics (methionine, inositol, and choline, or “MIC”). The MIC lipotropics are naturally occurring amino acids produced by the body to help remove toxins, wastes, and fat from the liver, as well as prevent the buildup of cholesterol. To these fat-blasting substances, we add Vitamin B12, along with other ingredients, to help maximize weight loss.

The other ingredients found in our MIC shot formula include:

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)

This water-soluble vitamin is pivotal for carrying out a number of the body’s metabolic processes. It helps break down and convert nutrients such as fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into glucose, the primary source of energy for the body. It also facilitates the production of healthy red blood cells and is an antioxidant, cleaning up free radicals and preventing them from damaging cells.

Thiamine (Vitamin B1)

Thiamine is another of the water-soluble vitamins. Vital for the absorption and excretion of electrolytes in muscle and nerve tissue, vitamin B1 helps ensure the proper functioning of the brain, nervous system, muscles, heart, stomach, and intestines. It can also help alleviate disorders such as stress, motion sickness, diabetic pain, canker sores, and weakened immune systems. Studies have also shown it can help prevent or treat cataracts, glaucoma, and heart disease.

Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)

The benefits of ascorbic acid have been widely touted over the decades, and with good reason. Vitamin C is not only a powerful antioxidant, but also a potent defense against many health risks, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and dementia. In addition to helping prevent maladies, ascorbic acid may also reduce blood uric acid levels. High uric acid can inflame joints, causing gout. It can also help prevent iron deficiency and boost immunity. Since the body does not produce ascorbic acid on its own, it must be acquired through foods rich in vitamin C, supplements, or a combination of both.

Lidocaine (anesthetic)

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic. Its inclusion as an ingredient in our lipo-MIC injections is to reduce any discomfort associated with the process. Although lidocaine is safe for the vast majority of people, it is sometimes excluded from MIC shot regimens if participants are allergic to numbing medications, have a severe heart block, or have a heart rhythm disorder. Your consulting doctor with review your questionnaire to determine if lidocaine should be included in your injections.

L-carnitine (amino acid)

This nutrient plays an important role in migrating fatty acids into mitochondria, the cell’s powerhouses, where they are then “burned” for energy. Since l-carnitine helps transport fatty acids to the cells, it may facilitate increased weight loss. Some studies have shown this to be the case, especially in obese or older adults. L-carnitine may also improve brain function, helping to prevent age-related cognitive decline, boosting mental acuity, and perhaps even reversing the progression of Alzheimer’s and other brain diseases.

In addition to purchasing our enhanced, we also recommend that you buy calcium pyruvate supplements. These supplements are safe to use in conjunction with our enhanced B12 shots, and can help maximize your weight loss potential by facilitating the metabolism of carbohydrates.

The Best Products, the Best Service, the Best Chance for Success

The weight-loss professionals at Pharmacy Rx will review your blood test results, a doctor’s physical evaluation, and the required paperwork to find out if you’re a candidate for our B-complex vitamin and lipotropic shots. And, because we are a licensed U.S. pharmacy permitted to distribute the MIC shot formula for weight loss, you can rest assured that you’ll only receive the highest quality products when you order from us.

For more information about our MIC shot packages, contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions at 1.866.662.0693.