HCG Injections for Individuals Nationwide

HCG InjectionsIf you’re looking for HCG injections, you’ve come to the right place. Pharmacy Rx Solutions is a licensed U.S. pharmacy that is permitted to distribute HCG to certain individuals seeking to jumpstart a weight loss program. HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a pregnancy hormone that helps maintain certain levels of progesterone, which is necessary for healthy gestation. According to proponents, daily injections of the hormone can help overweight men and non-pregnant women lose weight when used in combination with a strict, low-calorie diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Pharmacy Rx Solutions offers injections of HCG in kits that include syringes, instructions, and either manufactured or compounded HCG. All of our compounded HCG is made in our licensed pharmacy and is rigorously tested by a third-party lab for potency, sterility, and pyrogens. This means you’ll never have to worry about the quality and safety of the HCG you receive when you order from us.

Our HCG injections are available in the following packages:

  • 20-day supply of compounded HCG
  • 40-day supply of compounded HCG
  • 40-day supply of manufactured HCG

Once you’ve filled out and returned the required paperwork, our HCG specialists can recommend which injection kit may best help you meet your goals.

Contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today at 1.866.662.0693 to learn more about the correlation between HCG and weight loss, and find out whether an HCG diet plan with injections is right for you and what dosage could benefit you the most.