HCG for Men: Is It Safe?

HCG for MenFor many people, undergoing HCG injection therapy, like the program available through Pharmacy Rx Solutions, is a great way to achieve weight loss goals. However, because human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is excreted by a woman’s placenta during pregnancy, some men are concerned that this hormone isn’t safe for them. Have no fear—HCG is safe for men and can help men lose weight, just as it does with women.

How Does HCG Work?

A common misconception surrounding HCG injection therapy is that HCG in and of itself helps people lose weight. That isn’t exactly true—in order for HCG injection therapy to work, it has to be combined with a strict diet that involves:

  • Eating no more than 500 calories per day
  • Avoiding foods high in sugars and starches
  • Drinking at least one gallon of water each day

So, how does HCG come into play? As was mentioned above, HCG is excreted by the placenta during pregnancy. When a pregnant woman and her fetus are hungry, HCG triggers stored fat to be released to sustain them. HCG injections work the same way—by triggering the release of stored fat, HCG injections help men and women avoid the unpleasant side effects of a low-calorie diet, including hunger, lightheadedness, fatigue, and nausea. Without these side effects, it’s easier to stay on track and stick to a diet.

Learn More

If you’d like to hear more about the benefits that HCG can offer for men and women who are seeking to lose weight, contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today. We’ll be happy to tell you more about what our program involves and answer any questions you may have.