HCG Diet and Weight Loss Packages Available From Pharmacy Rx Solutions

HCG diet weight lossAn HCG diet may make your weight loss goals more attainable. Attempting fad diet after fad diet without seeing the results you desire can leave you tired, hungry, and frustrated. If you’re interested in learning how the HCG diet can help you avoid these side effects, you can turn to Pharmacy Rx Solutions.

So, what is the HCG diet? HCG, also known as human chorionic gonadotropin, is an early pregnancy hormone that works to prevent the disintegration of the corpus luteum, thereby maintaining proper levels of progesterone. Additionally, in the event that a mother is not getting enough nutrients to provide for herself and her growing fetus, HCG can facilitate the transfer of nutrients to her fetus from fat stores in her abdomen, thighs, and buttocks.

Dr. A.T.W. Simeons discovered HCG’s ability to transfer fat out of problem areas of the body while conducting a study with overweight patients in the 1950s. His subjects were instructed to follow a strict, low-calorie diet and take injections of HCG daily. Once he found that his patients were losing significant amounts of weight over a short period of time without the normal side effects of other low-calorie diets (hunger, fatigue, lightheadedness, etc.), he introduced the Simeons HCG diet plan to the world via his book, “Pounds and Inches.”

If you’d like to learn more about HCG diet injections and Dr. Simeons’ diet plan, contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today. We offer measured injection kits for both 20- and 40-day programs, and can determine whether an HCG diet regimen is right for you and what dosage will benefit you the most once you have completed the required paperwork. We are a U.S. pharmacy licensed to distribute HCG, so you can be confident in the quality of our products when you buy from us.

For more information, contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today at 1.866.662.0693.