Using HCG to Lose Weight – Learn More at Pharmacy Rx Solutions

HCGAt Pharmacy Rx Solutions, we offer HCG injection packages that many people nationwide use to help them lose weight. HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a naturally occurring pregnancy hormone. Among its many functions, the hormone can cause a pregnant woman’s body to access her own stores of fat – typically from the hips, buttocks, thighs, and abdomen – as a source of nutrients for her malnourished fetus. It is this unique feature of the hormone that led Dr. Albert T.W. Simeons to believe that it could do the same thing in men and non-pregnant women.

Simeons was a British doctor who studied human chorionic gonadotropin in the 1950s. He maintained that injections of the hormone, when used in combination with a low-calorie diet and healthy lifestyle, could help overweight individuals shed pounds. While a strict, low-calorie diet is the main catalyst for weight loss, proponents of the HCG diet believe that the hormone may help users avoid feeling lightheaded, fatigued, and hungry – uncomfortable side effects that are commonly associated with other low-calorie diets.

The human chorionic gonadotropin injection kits available at Pharmacy Rx Solutions could help you reach your weight loss goals. We are a licensed compounding U.S. pharmacy that is permitted to dispense HCG and related products, and third-party tests all compounded versions of the hormone for sterility, potency, and pyrogens. Buying from us means you’ll never have to worry about the safety and quality of our products.

To learn more about our HCG injections kits, contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today at 1.866.662.0693.