A Diabetes Test from Pharmacy Rx Solutions Can Help Identify Any Warning Signs

Diabetes testDiabetes is a serious issue in today’s world, with millions of Americans suffering from the disease. Diabetes is an illness in which the body does not produce enough, or properly respond to, insulin, a hormone created in the pancreas. Insulin is extremely important because it is needed to turn sugar and other food into energy. You should always consult your doctor, but if you’re looking to take a hands-on approach to your health and well being, a diabetes test from Pharmacy Rx Solutions can help identify any warning indicators. Best of all, we can offer diabetes testing directly to you privately, affordably, and conveniently. Simply call to order your blood test, bring the requisition form to have your blood drawn, and you’ll have the results of your diabetes test in five to seven days.

Our diabetic panel, or grouping of diabetes tests, consists of:

  • A glucose test, to determine if your blood glucose level is within healthy ranges
  • A hemoglobin A1c test, to help monitor diabetes and aid in treatment decisions

This helpful set of tests is available for just $195.00, well below retail value. To learn more about a diabetes test from Pharmacy Rx Solutions, or any of the other available blood tests we have for sale, call us right away at 1.866.662.0693 and place your order.

Click here to order your test now!