What Is the Best Time of Day to Inject HCG?

Picture of two syringes and three clear vials.Using human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) as a weight loss aid is a great way to help achieve weight loss goals, since it can reduce or even eliminate the unpleasant side effects associated with dieting, such as hunger, fatigue, and lightheadedness.

If you’re like many individuals new to HCG injection therapy, you may be anxious about the proper steps you need to take to obtain the best results. While you should always defer to the instructions that were provided to you along with your HCG shots, you might be relieved to know that you can take HCG injections any time of day—morning, noon, or night.

You should also know that weight loss on the HCG diet varies from one person to another based on factors such as sex (men tend to lose weight more quickly than women) and starting body weight (heavier people tend to lose a larger amount of weight overall). A doctor can give you a more accurate estimate of the weight loss you can expect based on your specific circumstances.

Most people report losing between half a pound to 3 pounds per day when they begin the HCG diet, with many people averaging about 1 to 2 pounds each day. After the first week, weight loss typically slows, but many people continue to lose approximately 2 to 5 pounds per week.

Tips for Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals on the HCG Diet

if you’re unhappy with the rate at which you’re losing weight, you might want to consider drinking more water and incorporating more vegetables into your meals, since consuming higher amounts of water and fiber can increase weight loss. You may also want to:

  • Increase your activity levels. Just a little more exercise can help speed up the rate of weight loss.
  • Pay close attention to what you’re eating. By keeping a food journal, you might find patterns in your diet that cause you not to lose weight.
  • Watch your salt intake. If you oversalt the food you prepare and your body isn’t used to that higher sodium level, your blood volume will increase to handle the extra salt, which will translate into weight gain because you’re retaining water to boost that blood volume.

If you finish a round of HCG injections and you’re unsatisfied with how much weight you’ve lost, you can start another round of shots, but it’s important to not rush into it. In most cases, people should take a six-week break between the first and second rounds of injections, then increase that break time by two weeks after each additional round. That means you should wait six weeks between the first and second rounds, eight weeks between the second and third rounds, 10 weeks between the third and fourth rounds, and so on.

Where to Order HCG Injections

If you need HCG injections, consider Pharmacy Rx Solutions, a trusted provider of hormone replacement therapies. All of our products satisfy USDA standards and are tested at a third-party facility for sterility, potency, and pyrogens, and we ship our HCG kits directly to our customers’ homes for their convenience. If you would like more details, contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today to get started with the HCG application and ordering process.