B12 for Weight Loss — Is it Possible?

B12 Weight Loss Many people who take B12 for weight–loss purposes are disappointed by their results. To improve the vitamin’s impact on weight loss, the experts at Pharmacy Rx Solutions have combined vitamin B12 with lipotropics that attract fat and help flush it from the body. Our sister company, Suncoast Radiopharmacy Services, is a licensed U.S. pharmacy that stringently adheres to all guidelines set by the FDA, so you can rest assured that our B12 injections are safe and that you’re purchasing them from a reputable source.

We’ve carefully selected the ingredients in our special B12 injections. Our proprietary formula, called MIC Plus, contains:

  • Methionine, inositol, and choline — The “M” “I” and “C” in MIC Plus; these lipotropics help break down, metabolize, and flush fat, as well as metabolize cholesterol and shed toxins from the liver.
  • B–complex vitamins — Vitamin B1 helps break down carbs; B2 helps metabolize carbs, protein, and fat; and B12 helps produce energy by aiding in cellular metabolism.
  • Other ingredients — Vitamin C fights free radicals, L–carnitine aids in the metabolism of fatty acids, and lidocaine helps reduce the sting of the injections.

To receive the full effects of our MIC Plus injections, we recommend that you also take a calcium pyruvate supplement. For your convenience, you can purchase the supplement and your B12 injections directly from Pharmacy Rx Solutions.

If you’d like more information about our MIC Plus injections and how they can help you reach your target weight, contact us today at 1.866.662.0693.