B12 Injections from a Reputable Distributor

B12 InjectionsIf you’re looking for B12 injections, you’ve come to the right place. Pharmacy Rx Solutions is a licensed U.S. pharmacy that is permitted to distribute our proprietary B12 injection formula, which has helped many of our customers nationwide jumpstart their weight loss regimens.

There are many companies out there offering B12 shots that boost your energy and help you burn fat, but where can you get B12 injections that you know come from a reputable supplier and not just some fly-by-night company that could send you an inferior or unsafe product? That’s where Pharmacy Rx Solutions comes in. As a licensed compounding pharmacy, we employ highly skilled and experienced pharmacists to compound a special blend of B-complex vitamins (B12, B1, B2), lipotropics (also known as fat-burning amino acids; we use methionine, inositol, and choline), and other ingredients (Vitamin C, L-carnitine, and lidocaine). Our compounded and enhanced B12 injections are made in accordance with all FDA guidelines, and when used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, could help you shed extra pounds.

To learn more about whether B12 shots are right for you, simply call one of our B12 specialists today. Once you’ve provided us with some important information, we can help you determine whether you’re a candidate for B12 injections and what dosage could benefit you the most.

Contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today at 1.866.662.0693 for more information and to begin your journey to weight loss.