To Kickstart Your Weight Loss and Other Health Goals, Choose MIC Plus, B 12 Injections from Pharmacy Rx Solutions

MIC 12 InjectionsYou have been trying endlessly to finally lose the extra weight, but nothing seems to be working. Every diet fad has fallen short, and even a strict diet plan and exercise isn’t helping in the least. Thankfully, there is an option that might be able to help you achieve your weight loss goals – MIC, or B 12, injections. MIC injection therapy is designed to help rid your body of stubborn fat and put you on the path to weight loss. And, at Pharmacy Rx Solutions, we provide the ultimate in MIC injection therapy – MIC Plus injection therapy.

Benefits of MIC Plus Injection Therapy

As the name implies, MIC Plus injection therapy is more than just your average MIC, or B 12, injections. Our enhanced formula contains methionine, inositol, and choline, the ingredients that make up traditional MIC injections, as well as a blend of fat-blasting amino acids called lipotropics and B-complex vitamins. This enhanced formula, combined with diet and exercise, is designed to, not only improve your energy levels and maximize weight loss by breaking down and converting carbohydrates, fats, and protein into energy, but it may also provide other health benefits, including aiding in proper nervous system function, transporting fatty acids, and providing antioxidant properties. Some of the other ingredients that make up our special blend include:

  • Riboflavin
  • Methylcobalamin
  • L-Carnitine
  • Thiamine
  • Lidocaine
  • Ascorbic acid

Other Helpful Weight Loss Aids

Want to get the most out of your MIC Plus injection therapy? If so, then how about pair it with calcium pyruvate supplements? These supplements may help with metabolizing sugars and starches to promote weight loss. And, MIC Plus injection therapy can also be safely combined with hCG injection therapy for maximum results.

Contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today to learn more about our MIC Plus, or B 12, injections which are part of our MIC Plus injection therapy. Via a U.S. licensed compounding pharmacy, Suncoast Radiopharmacy, we are able to sell MIC Plus injection therapy and other therapy kits to adults throughout the country.