B12 Injections for Sale as Part of MIC Plus Injection Therapy from Pharmacy Rx Solutions

B12 Injections for SaleDoes your weight loss routine need a boost? Are you looking for a way to increase your energy levels? If you answered yes to either one of these questions, then there is a simple solution – B12 injection therapy. B12 injections, or MIC injections, are cocktails composed of lipotropics that are designed to help increase your overall energy levels and burn fat. At Pharmacy Rx Solutions, we have B12 injections for sale that are available to adults throughout the country. They are sold via a U.S. licensed compounding pharmacy, Suncoast Radiopharmacy, and tested for sterility, pyrogens, and potency in a third-party laboratory to make sure that they are safe for use by our participants.

Weight Loss Through MIC Plus Injection Therapy

At Pharmacy Rx Solutions, we offer enhanced B12 injections for sale, known as MIC Plus injection therapy. Our injection therapy kits contain methionine, inositol, and choline, the ingredients that make up the “MIC” in traditional MIC injection therapy. But, they also possess a special and complex blend of other lipotropics that can break down fat for metabolizing, remove toxins from your liver, prevent cholesterol buildup, break down and convert carbohydrates into energy, and so much more. Our enhanced formula contains such ingredients as:

  • Lidocaine
  • L-Carnitine
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Riboflavin
  • Thiamine
  • Methylcobalamin

Other Helpful Weight Loss Aids

Want to get even more out of our MIC Plus injection therapy kits? If so, then also consider HCG injection therapy. It can safely be combined with MIC Plus injection therapy and has been purported to enhance weight loss goals. We also recommend calcium pyruvate supplements to be taken with our MIC Plus injection therapy kits to help break down carbohydrates and sugars.

For the best B12 injections for sale, contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions. Our team can help you better understand our MIC Plus injection therapy program and how you can qualify.