Where to Inject HCG

Picture of a syringe and four vials.Are you considering using human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) therapy for weight loss? Before ordering these shots, you’ll likely want to know where you’ll have to administer them and what the injection process involves. Pharmacy Rx Solutions—a hormone replacement therapy provider trusted by customers across the United States—has the answers you need.

What Type of Injection Is Right for You?

The question of where to inject HCG will depend on the type of shot being administered: subcutaneous or intramuscular. An experienced provider—such as Pharmacy Rx Solutions—can recommend the method that’s best suited to your needs.

Subcutaneous HCG Injections

Many providers recommend that patients seeking to lose weight using HCG injections administer the shots subcutaneously. True to their name, subcutaneous injections are administered into the subcutaneous tissue, which is located between the skin and the muscle. Because subcutaneous tissue doesn’t contain as many blood vessels as muscle does, subcutaneous injections tend to be absorbed more slowly than intramuscular injections.

If a provider directs you to use subcutaneous HCG injections, you’ll need to administer them into a relatively fatty area, such as the lower abdomen (between the belly button and the pubic area) or the thick outer area of the thigh. Be sure to ask whether the provider recommends one spot over another. It’s important to note that if you opt to inject HCG into your lower abdomen, you’ll need to stay at least one inch away from your belly button.

Intramuscular HCG Injections

Although HCG injections are usually administered subcutaneously, in some instances, providers will recommend that the shots be given intramuscularly instead. Intramuscular injections are administered directly into the muscles. As was noted above, thanks to the large number of blood vessels contained in muscle, intramuscular injections are absorbed more quickly than subcutaneous injections.

As with subcutaneous injections, in the event that a provider instructs you to use intramuscular HCG injections, you should ask whether they recommend any specific injection sites. Many HCG patients administer their shots into the rounded portion of their shoulder muscle. Another common spot is the upper outer portion of the buttocks, close to the hip.

How to Prepare HCG Injections

Once you’ve decided on an injection site, you’ll need to prepare the shot. This process will vary depending on whether the HCG comes as a powder or a liquid:

  • Powder – Draw 1 milliliter of sterile water into a syringe and squirt it into premeasured, room-temperature HCG powder. Then, slowly roll the vial back and forth to mix them together into an injectable liquid.
  • Liquid – Keep the liquid HCG refrigerated until the injection. If you have time, take the liquid out 15 minutes beforehand so that it can come to room temperature. Or, if you’re short on time, you can warm up the vial in your hand.

Once the HCG is ready to be injected, you’ll need to draw it into a syringe, then turn the syringe upside down so that the needle points upward. Gently flick the syringe so that the air bubbles all gather at the top, then slowly press the plunger down until all of the bubbles are removed.

How to Administer HCG Injections

Before administering an HCG shot, you’ll need to wash your hands, clean the injection site using a sterile alcohol wipe, and let the skin dry. If you’re using a subcutaneous injection, gather 1 to 2 inches of skin and fat between your fingers; if you’re using an intramuscular injection, stretch the skin taut. Stick the needle into your skin, gently press down the plunger, hold the syringe in place for approximately 10 seconds, then slowly pull it out and safely dispose of it.

For More Information

If you’d like to know more about HCG therapy and what the injection process involves, contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today. Our friendly representatives will gladly answer your questions and tell you about the ordering process for our HCG shots.