Exploring the HCG Diet Plan from Pharmacy Rx Solutions

The hcg diet planYou may have heard about the HCG diet plan and that it has helped some patients lose weight. HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin, is a pregnancy hormone that is believed to facilitate the removal of excess adipose fat deposits from the body.

This claim was first made by Dr. A.T.W Simeons in the 1950s. Simeons was a British doctor who studied the effects of HCG on human metabolism in both overweight women and men. He believed that specifically measured injections of HCG each day helped his patients lose weight when they also:

  • Ate a very low-calorie diet (VLCD)
  • Drank lots of water
  • Avoided specific foods, such as sugars, starches, and others

Simeons’ findings are intriguing for many individuals, and if you’re like those people, you’ve probably wondered where to get HCG and how much HCG diet injections cost. Many individuals turn to Pharmacy Rx Solutions for the hormone because we are a licensed U.S. compounding pharmacy that is permitted to distribute HCG and related products. This means that you’ll never have to worry about the quality of our HCG injections. Furthermore, we offer several different kits of varying prices that are comparable to or less expensive than the costs of other weight loss programs.

To find out if an HCG diet plan from Pharmacy Rx Solutions is right for you, call a member of our friendly staff today. We’ll provide you with the required paperwork, and once you have completed it, we can determine whether you’re a candidate for HCG and what dosage could help you the most.

Contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today at 1.866.662.0693 for more information about our HCG diet plan options.