MIC Plus Injections from Pharmacy Rx Solutions via Suncoast Radiopharmacy Services

Mic InjectionsIf you are struggling to lose weight, you’ve likely heard of MIC injections. MIC stands for methionine, inositol, and choline, which are the lipotropic amino acids that are naturally found in the body. These amino acids are also known as fat-burning amino acids, and can aid in preventing the buildup of cholesterol throughout the body, as well as help in facilitating the removal of wastes and toxins from the liver. If you are interested in losing weight with MIC injections, you should know that not all are created equal. For top-of-the-line, high-quality MIC injection therapy, turn to the professionals at Pharmacy Rx Solutions, who offer it in conjunction with Suncoast Radiopharmacy Services, a U.S.-licensed compounding pharmacy.

We offer MIC Plus injections therapy; unlike typical MIC injection therapy, our solution combines the three standard lipotropic amino acids with B-complex vitamins. These vitamins include:

  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin C
  • L-carnitine
  • Lidocaine

What’s more, this injection therapy can be used in conjunction with our HCG injection therapy for maximum results.


If you would like more information about the MIC plus therapy injections we can provide you at Pharmacy Rx Solutions via Suncoast Radiopharmacy Services, or any of our other weight loss therapy packages, contact us today. We would be happy to answer any of your questions and get you started on the right track to feeling like the happiest and healthiest version of yourself.