Pharmacy Rx Solutions Offers Special B12 Injections Known as MIC Plus Injection Therapy

MIC B12If you are looking for a health supplement to aid you in your weight loss goals, then don’t settle for just any B12 injections. MIC Plus injection therapy may be able to help you lose weight more efficiently, as well as provide other health benefits. At Pharmacy Rx Solutions, we are your only source for our special MIC Plus injections. Via Suncoast Radiopharmacy, a U.S. licensed compounding pharmacy, we are able to sell these injection therapy kits to interested adults all over the country. And, as they are tested by a third-party laboratory for pyrogens, sterility, and potency, you can rest easy knowing that they are safe for use.

How Can MIC Plus Injection Therapy Benefit Me?

There are benefits to be had with traditional MIC injection therapy. This formula of methionine, inositol, and choline, the ingredients that make up the “MIC” in MIC injections, is designed to help you lose those extra pounds that diet and exercise alone simply cannot. Yet, our B12 injection therapy, MIC Plus, may also increase energy, lower cholesterol, improve nervous system function, help remove fatty deposits in the liver, and so much more. This is all thanks to a special blend of lipotropics that make up the formula for MIC Plus injection therapy. These include:

  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B12
  • L-Carnitine
  • Lidocaine
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Methionine
  • Inositol
  • Choline

HCG Injection Therapy & Calcium Pyruvate Supplements

If you would like to make the most of your health journey, then consider our other injection therapy programs. We also offer hCG injection therapy, as well as calcium pyruvate supplements, to help you shed fat more effectively. And, both of these injection therapy programs can be safely combined with our MIC Plus injection therapy program for maximum results.

To see if you qualify for our special B12 injections, known as MIC Plus injection therapy, contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today. Our knowledgeable and helpful team members will instruct you to fill out a questionnaire, and then a doctor will get in touch with you to see if you would be a good candidate for our injection therapy program.