MIC Plus, B 12 Injection Therapy is Available at Pharmacy Rx Solutions

MIC 12

When exercise and diet alone are not providing the weight loss that you expected, turn to Pharmacy Rx Solutions for MIC Plus, or B 12, injection therapy. In conjunction with diet and exercise, our MIC Plus injection therapy is purported to increase energy levels and help rid the body of stubborn fatty deposits more effectively and efficiently, as well provide other health benefits not associated with traditional MIC injection therapy. And, via a U.S. licensed compounding pharmacy, Suncoast Radiopharmacy, we are your only source for these elite injection therapy kits. Plus, each one of our kits is tested for sterility, pyrogens, and potency by a third-party laboratory, so you can count on a safe product.

What is in Our MIC Plus Injection Therapy Kits?

Traditional MIC or B 12 injection therapy contains methionine, inositol, and choline, which make up the “MIC” in MIC injection therapy. However, MIC Plus injection therapy also includes a special cocktail of lipotropics and B-complex vitamins that may offer more than just simply weight loss. The ingredients found in our MIC Plus injection therapy kits and their benefits include:

  • Thiamine, which helps break down and convert carbohydrates into energy
  • Riboflavin, which aids in metabolizing carbohydrates, fat, and protein
  • Methylcobalamin, which helps to promote proper nervous system function
  • L-Carnitine, which helps to transport fatty acids into the cells for metabolizing
  • Lidocaine, which helps to minimize the sting from the injection
  • Ascorbic acid, which is a sugar acid that has antioxidant properties

Are There Other Ways to Increase Weight Loss?

At Pharmacy Rx Solutions, we are also proud to offer hCG injection therapy that can be safely combined with our MIC Plus injection therapy to potentially increase weight loss. Calcium pyruvate supplements can also be used in conjunction with MIC Plus injection therapy to aid in metabolizing sugars and starches.

For more information about our MIC Plus, or B 12, injection therapy kits, contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today. Our representatives would be happy to help determine if you qualify for this injection therapy program.