How Long Do You Have to Wait to Do HCG Again?

Picture of sand running through an hourglass.If you’ve had success on the HCG diet, you’re probably excited to start your next round of injections. Many people try and fail at numerous diets and exercise regimens before turning to HCG, so when they finally discover a program that works for them, they understandably want to keep going with it.

It’s important to keep in mind, however, that you’ll most likely need to take a break in between rounds of HCG injections. You should always consult with a physician, who can provide you with advice that’s customized to your specific needs. With that being said, it’s generally recommended that people take a six-week break after their first round of shots, and then increase that waiting period by two weeks after each successive round. For example:

  • After your first round of injections, you should wait six weeks before starting your second round.
  • After your second round of injections, you should wait eight weeks before starting your third round.
  • After your third round of injections, you should wait 10 weeks before starting your fourth round.
  • After your fourth round of injections, you should wait 12 weeks before starting your fifth round.

Why Do You Have to Wait Before Starting the Next Round of HCG?

If you’re experiencing good results from the HCG diet, then why would you need to take a break from it? There’s a good reason for waiting. Dr. Albert T. W. Simeons—the endocrinologist who developed the original HCG diet—found that some individuals developed some degree of immunity to HCG after taking it. He also found that waiting for a certain period of time before restarting injections helped patients avoid this immunity.

In other words, if you were to begin a new round of HCG injections immediately after finishing the previous round, there’s a good chance that you would develop an immunity to the HCG, and that you wouldn’t have the same amount of success moving forward. But if you wait the specified amount of time before starting the next round, it will help ensure that you don’t develop an immunity, and there will be a greater chance that your body will react to the HCG the same way that it previously did.

Where to Go for HCG Injections

If you’re considering starting HCG injections for the first time, or if you’ve had success with the HCG diet in the past and are looking for a new source for the shots, you can turn to Pharmacy Rx Solutions. Based in Tampa, Florida, we supply hormone replacement therapy products to customers across the United States. We take a synergistic approach—combining the clinic, physician, drug manufacturer, and pharmacy into one—and all of our prescriptions are filled by a licensed compounding pharmacy.

Contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today. One of our knowledgeable representatives will be happy to tell you more about our company, the benefits of following the HCG diet, and our ordering process for these injections.